this is my face.  these are my thoughts.  now use your voice to reach me.


6:51pm 1.4.01:

you know what i really enjoy..  opening up a new package of soap..  then using that bar of soap for the very first time..  ahh, virgin soap..  it's grand..  i have simple pleasures in life you see..  like soap..  new, fabulous, remarkable soap..

the date:  may 7, 2001. the location:  columbus, OH.   the girls:  yvette and mary.  the band:  u2.  the mission:  sweet love.

6:44pm 12.6.00:

anyone who sends coats all the way from CA to OH to donate to my coat drive for the homeless is way cool in my book.. 

10:43pm 11.18.00:

damn my luck, damn it to hell..  i finally meet someone i actually thought was "shaadaamn" and i accidentally gave off the "not interested vibes" instead of the "hell yeah baby" vibes..  stoopid brain of mine doesn't remember how to react to these things..  sigh, i shall never see my spikey brown haired, blue jacket, creepy in the "dance for me as i just sit here and watch" sort of way, man again..  sniff..

7:19pm 11.01.00:

i desperately need to join faa - "frankenberry addicts anonymous"..  i eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner..  mmmm..  the best shit in the world i tell you..  but it only comes out during halloween time now and i finished my last box just a sec ago and i don't know what i'm going to do about the rest of the year!!!  i'm seriously addicted..  i think about it when i'm not eating it, and when i'm eating it, i'm trying to think of how i'm going to buy more when supplies are low..  help me..

4:44pm 10.24.00:

i was handing out condoms last week (as part of an educational venture) and i did not realize how puritanical this country is..  sheesh people, don't be so rude..  pardon the pun, but come on, loosen up..

i'm currently  typing with one hand..  b/c i'm a clutz with a knife and i sliced through my finger..  bled so much i got cold and went into shock..  then passed out..  had to get stitches and ohhh lordy did that hurt..  i can't straighten my finger, it's at a permanent hook..  now i need to start physical therapy b/c according to the doc, i'm "developing a serious deformity"..  great, that's all i need..  a deformity..

one more thing..  sat. night i came home to a riot down my street..  helicopters, wooden bullets, 100 cops, fires..  good times, good times.  damn my neighborhood.

5:25pm 10.3.00:

mary gave me two presents today..  a cure pin and a betty boop tin box..  aww..  it was out of nowhere too, not my b-day, not a holiday..  she just thought of me when she saw them : )  how sweet..  makes up for her giving me several heart attacks last night, heheh..  i was taking a shower around 11pm and i have my eyes closed b/c i'm rinsing off my shampoo, i open my eyes a bit and see a shadowy figure behind the curtain..  i scream bloody murder..  and mary's laughing at me b/c she just had to pee but i didn't hear her come in..   and some time before that, she was yelling out "lentil!  yentil!" and i don't know why it scared the shit out of me and i hid crouched down into the couch and screamed..  guess i was on edge..  had just seen the exorcist (with a sweet added scene of linda on the stairway) plus i have an overactive imagination..

4:15am 9.30.00:

i took a nap at 5pm yesterday and i just woke up about three hours ago..  now that my body clock's fukt up, i can't sleep so i decided to redo my page.

i don't know what's up with this shirt i'm wearing..  but my breasts be heaving..  i should wear it more often..  it's the only shirt too that gives me the appearance of having fabulous noonies and i can't figure it out..  it's just a regular shirt..  i have a shirt exactly like this but in red, but it doesn't give me the same effect.  hrm.

have i succeeded at making everybody uncomfortable? 

anyway, i'm sleepy again..  after my 8 hr nap?..  guess this week has been really tiring for me..  i barely get any rest or sleep and it's finally catching up to me and my body can't handle it..  gawd i'm pathetic.

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